Smear diagnosis, cancer screening, counseling
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cytological smear testing
Cytological smear testing
This smear test is performed for an early detection of cervical cancer. The test is performed by placing a speculum into the uterine orifice, then extracting and fixating sample material (called cytotest) from the surface of the uterine orifice and the cavity of the cervix.
The sample material will be analysed in a special laboratory using microscopy and will be classified into 5 different groups – from PAP 1 (normal) to PAP 5. For group PAP 4 and higher, additional sampling is mandatory to confirm the suspected cancer. As an additional service, we offer a special smear technique using ThinPrep.
In short, ThinPrep tests offer the following advantages:
the detection rate of all pre-cancer stages is twice as high as in normal testing
the detection rate of existing cancer is twice as high as in normal testing
93% of all major cell mutations detected with the ThinPrep method are confirmed in subsequent surgery. This rate is at 79% only for conventional smear tests!
more accurate diagnoses
the number of smear samples fit for assessment is considerably higher
unnecessary control smears and surgery can often be avoided
special HPV screening
Special HPV Screening
Human papillomaviruses (HPV) rank among the most frequently sexually transmitted infections in the genital area. Certain types play a decisive role in the development of cervical cancer and vaginal cancer, but also in malignant diseases of the labia, anus and penis.
Population surveys revealed that most of the sexually active adults get infected with HPV in the course of their lives. In most cases the infection has no consequences because the body’s defence system (immune system) successfully combats the viral infection.
HPV can cause genital warts, intermenstrual bleeding, burning and itching. In most cases, however, the infection, which might actually have taken place several years ago, does not cause any problems. Often but not always, a magnified visual inspection or a pap smear can reveal suspicious results hinting to an HPV infection.
If such examination reveals high-risk HPV, this is not a cause for concerns. To the contrary, this is valuable information enabling us to take further steps. Your chances of an early detection of cancer and, thus, of successful treatment thereof increase considerably.
If you want to know more about HPV, please visit the scientific section of our homepage.